Wednesday, May 24, 2006

as recommended by...

I notice today that Fern Britton is doing adverts for some sort of Ryvita snack "big taste - mini waist". I don't know if she has a good agent or the casting people were blind or quite what, but she is not exactly what we would call the ideal spokeswoman for diet foods. She is a blob in the finest sense of the word. A fat useless blob. If anything she is getting fatter and so should do adverts for McDonalds and biscuits and such and such. I suppose that's what happens when you marry a chef, though having said that look at Jamie Oliver's fluff - she dropped that babyweight double time though I suppose this might be a side effect of the anxiety caused when your husband decides it's time to try and prise cheap crappy food out of the hands of chavvy schoolkids who are willing to kill just to get their E-number fix.

Other shocking celebrity endorsements also noticed recently include Katie Hill doing toothpaste adverts (she sounds like she has half a broadsheet newspaper shoved between her bottom lip and her gums) and a triumverate of nobbers (G Rhodes, A Harriot and A Worral-Thompson) advertising fairy liquid; obviously those 'dead cert' book deals didn't materialise chaps, but good work...



Anonymous Anonymous said...

"triumvirate" from the Latin referring to three men, Latin for men is vir not ver so if you're not careful your spelling will end up as bad as that of the chavs you deride - or would you prefer diride?

2:46 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

filled with compassion...

but you made me laugh! what a start to the day. x

12:48 AM  

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