Friday, May 19, 2006

on morons

Last night saw the beginning of another Big Brother and this year it looks like they have really scraped all the crap off the bottom of the proverbial barrel. What a load of talentless, vacuous, uninteresting, attention seeking, insecure, self righteous, sh*t for brains, f*ckwit, no good, subeducated morons. Really, it's enough to make a man angry at the TV.

Other news sees the human genome project finishing mapping chromosome 1. Isn't that exciting? Not unless you suffer from a congenital disease it isn't. I am more interested in developing cheaper car fuel and ensuring everyone has monkey servants by 2010. Monkey servants in cowboy suits who smoke pipes that is.


Blogger Nick Fletcher said...

I didn't see the opening show, but my wife did and described in great detail the circus performers that they have recruited into the house.

If someone from another planet came to earth and saw only Big Brother would they fall about in uncontrollable laughter or run away scared?

2:29 AM  
Blogger S T Cox said...

I think they would be puzzled as to why it is considered entertainment to put a group of sociopathic gits into a confined space together, though they may well draw their own conclusions and put it down to prison overcrowding.

12:16 PM  

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